All data provided on this TsarlGovt Page are based solely upon a fictional account of a nation-state simulation. All data and information are not necessarily based on fact. Data are provided for entertainment purposes only, and are not intended for commercial use. Neither TsarlGovt  nor TsarlackONLINE in no way endorses the validity of such data. Any resemblance to actual persons, places and establishments is pure coincidence.

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State of Tsarlack

État de la Tsarlaque

Stato della Ciarlac

Estado de Zarlack

دولة سارلايقيا

Staat Tsarlak

Staat Tsaarlak

Estado da Zsarlacau



State of Tsarlack Judicial System:



Tsarlack Supreme Court of Justice

The Tsarlack Supreme Court of Justice consists of the Supreme Tsarlack Judge and 12 associate justices [13 in Total]. At its discretion, and within certain guidelines established by the State of Tsarlack, the Tsarlack Supreme Court of Justice each month hears a limited number of the cases it is asked to decide. Those cases may either begin in the Tsarlack State Court or the Tsarlack Districts Courts, and they usually involve important questions about the Tsarlack Constitution or Tsarlack law. The Judges for this court are appointed in coordination by the State Council of Tsarlack on the advice of the King of Tsarlack and the Mayor of All Tsarlack. This Court is housed in the Tsarlack Supreme Court of Justice courthouse in PN, Montetsarlo.


 Tsarlack State Court

The Tsarlack State Court has independent jurisdiction over disputes which have a connection to the Tsarlack Government. Cases are heard before and evidence is presented in a trial court. The Judges for this court are appointed by the State Council of Tsarlack on the advice of the King of Tsarlack and the Mayor of All Tsarlack. This Court is housed in the Tsarlack State Court courthouse in Weldomassa.



Tsarlack Districts Courts

The Tsarlack Districts Courts are the 6 trial courts of the 66 regions, territories and islands that are under the jurisdiction of the State of Tsarlack. Within limits set by the State of Tsarlack and the Tsarlack Constitution, the Tsarlack Districts Courts have jurisdiction to hear nearly all categories of cases, including both civil and criminal matters. The Judges for these courts are mainly appointed by vote from the Mayors and Counts of each of the six district territories.

The 6 courts are:

Tsarlack Region District Court (Located in Hvarmeal) (Judges appointed by the 6 Mayors/Counts and the Mayor of All Tsarlack)

Luckland Region District Court (Located in Scalesuperieur) (Judges appointed by the 7 Mayors/Counts)

Benetsarlacktanum Regional District Court (Located in Cleo) (Judges appointed by the 5 Mayors/Counts)

Principality of Andi District Court (Located in Andisuperiore) (Judges appointed by the 10 Mayors/Counts and the Prince of Andi)

Tsarlack Industrial Area District Court (Located in Therma) (Judges appointed by the 4 Mayors/Counts and the State Council of Tsarlack)

Down Tsarlack Districts Court (Located in Down Tsarlack City) (Judges appointed by the 34 Mayors/Counts of all five district islands and the Venerable Archbishop of Tsarlack)


The Tsarlack Criminal Code


Tsarlack Penal System:


The Tsarlack Penal System is administered by the

Tsarlack Department of Corrections (Ts.D.C)



Judicial punishments enforced by the Tsarlack Penal System:


Socio-economical Punishments:





 Community Service

House Arrest

Deportation of Illegal Immigrants


Custodial Sentences:

Imprisonment in Tsarlack Prisons, Jails & Correctional Facilities

Forced Detention

Involuntary Institutional Psychiatry


 Sentences Abolished for all Offenses:

Hard Labor

Extradition or Exile of Tsarlack Citizens

Physical Punishments of Beating or Torture

Capital Punishment


Post-conviction Rights:



Miscarriage of Tsarlack Justice


Pardon by the King of Tsarlack with the approval of the Mayor of All Tsarlack or the Archbishop of Tsarlack.



Duration of Sentences:

Vary from 2 hours to life imprisonment of a maximum possible period of 74 Years




List of the 8 Tsarlack Courthouses:


-Tsarlack Supreme Court of Justice, PN, Montetsarlo

-Tsarlack State Court, Court Hill, Weldomassa

-Tsarlack Region District Court, Georgy, Hvarmeal

-Luckland Region District Court, Santa Maria, Scalesuperieur

-Benetsarlacktanum Regional District Court, Curtubel, Cleo

-Principality of Andi District Court, Holyoke, Andisuperiore

-Tsarlack Industrial Area District Court, Sama, Therma

-Down Tsarlack Districts Court, Valera, Down Tsarlack City


 List of Tsarlack Prisons, Jails & Correctional Facilities:


-New Montetsarlo Prison, North, Montetsarlo

-Cleo & Tenda Prison, Aranhuez, Benetsarlacktanum:

-          Supermax Facility

-          Wing "A" : Misdemeanor Offenders

-          Wing "B" : Solicitation, Financial & Tax Crime Offenders

-          Wing "C" : Juvenile Offenders

-          Wing "D" : Sex & Drag Related Offenders

-          Wing "E" : Theft & Gang Related Criminal Offenders

-          Wing "F" - Crimes Against Tsarlianism Offenders

-Down Tsarlack Central Prison, Termi, Step Bay

(All prisons include a women’s ward)



-Tserleck Jail, Volcano, Tserleck

-Hvarmeal Correctional Facility, Georgy, Hvarmeal

-Sentebergun Jail, Cactus, Sentebergun

-Milouppa Jail, KN, Montetsarlo

-Luckland Central Prison, Brandenburg, Scalinferieur

-Luckland Jail for Women, Panier du Luck, Luckland

-Scalesuperieur Jail, Hissar, Scalesuperieur

-Andisuperiore Jail, Mass, Andisuperiore

-Clutetia Jail, Marchello, Clutetia


-Down Tsarlack City Jail, Bry, Down Tsarlack City

-Tsarlack Bridge Jail for Women, Recife, Tsarlack Bridge

-Down Tsarlack Juvenile Jail, Charlotte Hills, Down Tsarlack Range

-Cape Tsarl Correctional Facility, Ticino, Cape Tsarl



-Tsarlack Illegal Immigration Detention Center, Hola, Tsarlack Port East



-Tsarlack Asylum, Sidark, Therma

-Tsarlack Mental Hospital, Tamer, Scalesuperieur (Ward for the Criminally Insane)




State of Tsarlack Political System







Tsarlack is a fictional account of an island nation-state simulation. All data provided by the TsarlGovt & TsarlackONLINE Networks on are based solely upon fictional information and are not necessarily based on fact. Data are provided for entertainment purposes only, and are not intended for commercial use. TsarlackONLINE in no way endorses the validity of such data. Any resemblance to actual persons, places and establishments is pure coincidence. TsarlackONLINE shall not be liable for any actions taken in reliance thereon. By accessing the TsarlGovt & TsarlackONLINE sites, a user agrees not to copy and/or redistribute the information found therein.

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