Demographic of Languages Spoken on the Tsarlack Islands per Population
Language CODE Tsarlack citizens  Aliens within the State of Tsarlack US Excadiz citizens Aliens within US Excadiz
% Population  % Population  % Population  % Population 
Aboriginal ABO 0.00% 10 0.01% 4 0.00% 2 0.00% 1
Afrikaans AFR 0.00% 110 0.01% 5 0.01% 82 0.03% 5
Amharic AMH 0.00% 40 0.03% 13 0.04% 285 0.08% 13
Arabic ARA 7.94% 256,379 10.67% 5,400 1.20% 9,010 0.03% 5
Armenian ARM 0.17% 5,394 0.47% 240 0.10% 788 0.10% 17
Assamese ASA 0.01% 362 0.01% 3 0.04% 294 0.03% 5
Assyrian ASY 0.44% 14,128 0.03% 14 0.01% 43 0.07% 12
Azeri AZR 0.17% 5,330 0.85% 432 0.01% 59 0.01% 1
Bantu BAN 0.01% 194 0.01% 3 0.01% 48 0.02% 3
Bangla BEN 0.30% 9,596 0.03% 13 0.93% 7,002 1.04% 175
Berber BER 0.01% 405 0.26% 131 0.01% 79 0.04% 6
Bihari BHR 0.01% 393 0.01% 5 0.03% 207 0.06% 9
Indonesian BID 0.02% 669 0.34% 174 0.01% 71 0.03% 4
Belarussian BLR 0.02% 537 0.53% 269 0.01% 108 0.05% 8
Bosnian BOS 0.17% 5,494 0.43% 218 0.01% 73 0.09% 14
Bulgarian BUL 0.17% 5,352 0.69% 350 0.01% 39 0.02% 4
Burmese BUR 0.17% 5,478 0.01% 3 0.03% 228 0.09% 16
Cambodian CAM 0.01% 311 0.22% 111 0.01% 53 0.08% 13
Catalan CAT 0.19% 6,210 0.21% 104 0.01% 58 0.02% 3
Czech CES 0.20% 6,317 0.45% 230 0.38% 2,858 0.19% 32
Chinese (Mandarin) CHI 0.55% 17,620 0.40% 203 0.76% 5,720 0.32% 54
Cantonese CNT 0.20% 6,328 0.15% 74 0.06% 435 0.28% 48
Welsh CYM 0.12% 3,931 0.00% 2 1.17% 8,769 0.15% 25
Danish DAN 0.23% 7,491 0.00% 2 0.00% 37 0.08% 14
Dari DAR 0.13% 4,211 0.39% 198 0.09% 648 0.25% 42
German DEU 2.78% 89,842 4.49% 2,271 0.47% 3,541 0.02% 3
Dhivehi (Maldevan) DHI 0.00% 114 0.02% 10 0.00% 20 0.00% 0
English ENG 0.00% 0 18.83% 9,527 80.41% 603,705 67.01% 11,281
English (Tsarliotic) ENG (TSA) 33.41% 1,078,642 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0
Spanish ESP 1.78% 57,303 1.19% 604 1.57% 11,804 1.14% 192
Estonian EST 0.20% 6,356 0.26% 129 0.01% 101 0.13% 21
Basque EUS 0.11% 3,452 0.11% 55 0.01% 76 0.04% 7
Farsi FAR 3.91% 126,132 2.59% 1,313 0.30% 2,254 0.03% 5
Filipino (Tagalog) FLP 0.13% 4,244 1.20% 608 0.08% 581 1.20% 201
French FRA 4.20% 135,604 8.00% 4,048 1.17% 8,767 1.10% 185
Georgian GEO 0.22% 7,167 0.55% 280 0.18% 1,370 0.57% 97
Gallego (Galician) GLL 0.11% 3,655 0.19% 98 0.10% 759 1.02% 172
Gujarati GUJ 0.11% 3,486 0.24% 121 0.19% 1,411 0.36% 60
Gurjari (Urdu) GUR 0.00% 2 0.00% 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 0
Hebrew HEB 0.35% 11,306 0.53% 270 0.25% 1,858 1.19% 201
Greek HEL 2.29% 74,017 0.63% 318 0.34% 2,520 0.36% 60
Hindi HIN 0.26% 8,422 0.33% 167 1.83% 13,762 0.98% 164
Croatian HRV 0.37% 11,948 2.83% 1,434 0.18% 1,351 0.31% 51
Irish IRI 0.12% 3,799 0.39% 196 0.09% 693 0.34% 56
Icelandic ISL 0.16% 5,173 0.07% 36 0.07% 522 0.26% 43
Italian ITA 22.22% 717,303 13.04% 6,601 0.46% 3,483 1.12% 188
Japanese JPN 0.26% 8,253 0.08% 38 0.31% 2,326 0.46% 77
Kannada KAN 0.12% 3,841 0.18% 93 0.36% 2,728 0.88% 148
Korean KOR 0.32% 10,437 0.38% 193 0.18% 1,338 0.96% 162
Kashmiri KSH 0.03% 1,089 0.23% 117 0.06% 413 0.01% 3
Kiswahili (Swahili) KSW 0.01% 388 0.27% 138 0.14% 1,040 0.29% 50
Kurdish KUR 1.18% 37,993 1.78% 903 0.18% 1,353 1.11% 187
Kyrgyz KYR 0.03% 1,082 0.55% 276 0.34% 2,555 0.85% 144
Kazakh KZK 0.11% 3,489 0.53% 267 0.13% 1,003 0.14% 24
Lao LAO 0.04% 1,370 0.25% 127 0.13% 963 0.37% 63
Latvian LAT 0.17% 5,337 0.01% 3 0.01% 65 0.03% 4
Lithuanian LTH 0.15% 4,781 0.22% 113 0.01% 66 0.02% 3
Luxemburgese LUX 0.00% 5 0.00% 1 0.00% 5 0.00% 1
Hungarian MAG 0.56% 18,135 0.47% 236 0.03% 243 0.02% 3
Macedonian MAK 0.28% 9,119 0.44% 225 0.01% 95 0.12% 20
Malay MAL 0.00% 91 0.28% 142 0.01% 63 0.06% 11
Marathi MAR 0.12% 4,032 0.40% 202 0.36% 2,739 1.10% 186
Maltese MLT 0.25% 7,915 0.19% 96 0.24% 1,832 0.41% 69
Malayalam MLY 0.16% 5,288 0.06% 30 0.01% 75 0.16% 28
Montenegrian MNT 0.22% 6,997 0.24% 121 0.08% 636 0.03% 5
Mongolian MON 0.00% 14 0.27% 136 0.01% 43 0.00% 1
Marwari MRW 0.00% 10 0.00% 2 0.01% 69 0.32% 54
Dutch NED 0.85% 27,526 1.40% 706 0.09% 639 0.39% 65
Nepali NEP 0.21% 6,843 0.02% 12 0.00% 34 0.00% 0
Norwegian NOR 0.00% 102 0.25% 125 0.01% 86 0.10% 17
Oriya ORI 0.00% 88 0.00% 2 0.01% 70 0.07% 12
Polish POL 2.40% 77,378 1.87% 945 0.29% 2,142 0.20% 34
Portuguese POR 1.18% 38,204 0.59% 297 1.06% 7,968 1.05% 176
Punjabi PUN 0.18% 5,911 0.24% 121 0.09% 655 3.60% 606
Pashtu PSH 0.02% 664 0.25% 127 0.14% 1,080 0.03% 5
Romansh (Swiss) RAE 0.00% 39 0.60% 306 0.00% 22 0.00% 1
Romanian ROM 0.25% 8,158 0.87% 439 0.10% 758 0.47% 79
Russian RUS 1.53% 49,546 1.61% 812 0.40% 3,025 0.01% 1
Sanskrit SAN 0.00% 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 4 0.01% 2
Sepedi (N. Sotho) SEP 0.00% 121 0.01% 3 0.02% 117 0.01% 2
Sesotho (Sotho) SES 0.01% 408 0.13% 66 0.06% 463 0.28% 48
Setswana (Tswana) SET 0.03% 1,005 0.05% 24 0.05% 339 0.05% 9
Albanian SHQ 0.03% 983 0.31% 155 0.13% 1,010 0.31% 52
Sign Language (TsSL) SIG (TsSL) 0.30% 9,549 0.01% 4 0.08% 623 0.01% 1
Sinhala SIN 0.26% 8,366 0.20% 100 0.36% 2,707 0.39% 66
Sixhosa (Xhosa) SIX 0.00% 48 0.04% 22 0.01% 76 0.01% 2
Sizulu (Zulu) SIZ 0.10% 3,108 0.00% 2 0.07% 549 0.01% 1
Slovenian SLO 0.58% 18,668 1.07% 540 0.03% 245 0.07% 11
Sindhi SND 0.03% 1,081 0.00% 2 0.05% 401 0.00% 1
Somali SOM 0.00% 82 0.37% 189 0.08% 632 0.44% 74
Serbian SRP 0.57% 18,375 4.52% 2,286 0.01% 65 0.40% 67
Finnish SUO 0.14% 4,597 0.02% 8 0.03% 233 0.02% 3
Swedish SVE 0.16% 5,159 0.01% 3 0.09% 700 0.36% 61
Slovak SVK 0.19% 6,187 0.45% 229 0.00% 6 0.02% 3
Tajik TAJ 0.00% 100 0.00% 2 0.01% 57 0.00% 1
Tamil TAM 0.88% 28,259 1.98% 1,000 0.01% 88 0.09% 15
Tatar TAT 0.00% 108 0.54% 274 0.00% 27 0.01% 1
Telugu TEL 0.06% 2,049 0.17% 86 0.08% 583 0.04% 7
Thai THA 0.39% 12,453 0.31% 155 0.10% 753 0.24% 41
Tibetan TIB 0.01% 377 0.37% 185 0.01% 61 0.31% 52
Turkmenian TRK 0.00% 58 0.24% 120 0.02% 134 0.04% 7
Turkish TUR 1.01% 32,572 0.95% 483 0.10% 754 0.33% 56
Taiwanese TWN 0.00% 34 0.10% 50 0.01% 45 0.40% 68
Ukrainian UKR 0.07% 2,418 0.30% 152 0.14% 1,082 0.39% 66
Urdu URD 0.17% 5,373 0.24% 123 0.45% 3,398 0.47% 79
Uzbek UZB 0.01% 287 0.58% 295 0.04% 274 0.04% 7
Vietnamese VTN 0.24% 7,800 0.59% 301 0.09% 709 0.46% 77
Xinca XIN 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0
Other OTH 0.13% 4,248 0.21% 107 0.40% 2,974 1.20% 202
100% 3,228,255 100% 50,607 100% 750,809 100% 16,835

Notes: -Aliens being foreign workers or immigrants living and working on the Tsarlack islands.
            -Official languages of the State of Tsarlack, other than Tsarliotic English, are highlighted in red.

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